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box - 3.3 AIYA improvisations

_buffers. _control. _vulnerability. The question of sonic identity. This version of AIYA still retained some of the electronically-generated sounds of the original version, taking the form of bell-like resonators fed through a variable delay line.

box - 3.6 diaphragma

_buffers. _transparency. _control. _improvisation-partner. _tool. _vulnerability. _narrative. next ►. ◄ back

box - 4. black box fading

_buffers. _space. _black-box. _agency. _embodiment. _space. (2). black box finding. (interactive installation). I reimagined the black box I constructed for the 360° video recordings into an interactive installation for up to six participants.

5 - black box fading

_buffers. _space. _black-box. _agency. _embodiment. _space. (2). black box finding. (interactive installation). I reimagined the black box I constructed for the 360° video recordings into an interactive installation for up to six participants.