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box - 3.2 AIYA for MIDI keyboard

_distinct-entity. _representation. Making Connections. I had my colleagues in the M.A. Transdisciplinary Studies program try out this version of AIYA in a non-performance setting. I noticed two interesting aspects: 1.

box - 3.1 aiya overview

I regard glitches as a way for the machine to appear as a “separate entity,” and perhaps even as an improvisation partner. This contrasts with the aforementioned attribute in.

box - 5. conclusion

It will continue to be an itinerant, multifaceted entity, and every attempted representation will be more of an. interpretation. of AIYA's. black box. , a fleeting glimpse inside its dubious character.

5 - black box fading

It is always in tension between the attempt to recognize it as an encapsulated entity and at the same time as a synergy of independent entities, in which the terminologies of "mind" and "body" make no sense.

box - 4. black box fading

It is always in tension between the attempt to recognize it as an encapsulated entity and at the same time as a synergy of independent entities, in which the terminologies of "mind" and "body" make no sense.

box - 3.7 aiya meets self

When we improvise with machines, they function not only as a separate entity with which to engage in musical conversations, but simultaneously as augmentations of our musical cognition.

box - 1.2 core questions + method

During a performance, what are the mechanisms in play that shift my viewpoint of the improvisation machine between viewing it as a separate entity (i.e. chamber music partner) to viewing it as an extension of my body/mind/mindbody (in reference to Hayles and

3 - AIYA / black box fading overview

> Reflection on machine agency, extended mind vs. separate improvisation entity, instrument vs. improvisation. partner, and impacts on my performance practice (primarily through the lens of sonic behavior and interaction. design). >. black box fading. :

Mapping Impro

>> the improvisation machine as an autonomous entity vs. an instrument. “how does the improvisation machine know when the performance is ‘over’?” >> how do we translate "typical" endings in improvisation into code?

6 - Connection to Artistic Practice

> Reflection on machine agency, extended mind vs. separate improvisation entity, and impacts on performance. practice (primarily through the lens of sonic behavior and interaction design) in the form of a written thesis and. practical outputs (seven performance