_distinct-entity. _representation. Making Connections. I had my colleagues in the M.A. Transdisciplinary Studies program try out this version of AIYA in a non-performance setting. I noticed two interesting aspects: 1.…
I regard glitches as a way for the machine to appear as a “separate entity,” and perhaps even as an improvisation partner. This contrasts with the aforementioned attribute in.…
It will continue to be an itinerant, multifaceted entity, and every attempted representation will be more of an. interpretation. of AIYA's. black box. , a fleeting glimpse inside its dubious character.…
It is always in tension between the attempt to recognize it as an encapsulated entity and at the same time as a synergy of independent entities, in which the terminologies of "mind" and "body" make no sense.…
It is always in tension between the attempt to recognize it as an encapsulated entity and at the same time as a synergy of independent entities, in which the terminologies of "mind" and "body" make no sense.…
When we improvise with machines, they function not only as a separate entity with which to engage in musical conversations, but simultaneously as augmentations of our musical cognition.…
During a performance, what are the mechanisms in play that shift my viewpoint of the improvisation machine between viewing it as a separate entity (i.e. chamber music partner) to viewing it as an extension of my body/mind/mindbody (in reference to Hayles and…
> Reflection on machine agency, extended mind vs. separate improvisation entity, instrument vs. improvisation. partner, and impacts on my performance practice (primarily through the lens of sonic behavior and interaction. design). >. black box fading. : chua.ch…
>> the improvisation machine as an autonomous entity vs. an instrument. “how does the improvisation machine know when the performance is ‘over’?” >> how do we translate "typical" endings in improvisation into code?…
> Reflection on machine agency, extended mind vs. separate improvisation entity, and impacts on performance. practice (primarily through the lens of sonic behavior and interaction design) in the form of a written thesis and. practical outputs (seven performance…