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box - 3.5 A->B

_glitch. _vulnerability. _dialogue. _embodiment. _representation. _movement. _space. next ►. ◄ back

box - 5. conclusion

_glitch. (es) in AIYA's software also afforded a certain. _emancipation. of the machine from myself. This was especially apparent to me in. aiya meets self.

box - 3.1 aiya overview

_glitch. _distinct-entity. _sonic-identity. One must also consider the other side of time: that of communicating the future actions of the improvisation machine.

box - 3.7 aiya meets self

_glitch. _agency. _emancipation. Interaction design. Participants interacted with the machine solely through their body presence in front of the small camera in the installation.

5 - black box fading

_glitch. _control. _vulnerability. _narrative. _immersion. The reflection as a metaphor for failed human-machine emancipation. The use of mirroring and reflecting (or reversing) serves as a metaphor for the machine's relationship to my actions.

box - 4. black box fading

_glitch. _control. _vulnerability. _narrative. _immersion. The reflection as a metaphor for failed human-machine emancipation. The use of mirroring and reflecting (or reversing) serves as a metaphor for the machine's relationship to my actions.