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box - 3.3 AIYA improvisations

_sonic-identity. _extendedness. _representation. _buffers. _control. _vulnerability. The question of sonic identity.

box - 2. chaosflöte overview

Creating a sonic identity for the Chaosflöte using loops and live-sampling.

box - 3.1 aiya overview

I brainstormed the following musical devices I could identify in my own improvisation practice, which I categorized into analysis and behavior elements.

box - 4. black box fading

[RECONFIGURTING AIYA's SONIC IDENTITY]. With the new abundance of data I now had access to from the position and rotation values of the rigid bodies, I had to think about how this would affect the audio programming of AIYA.

5 - black box fading

[RECONFIGURTING AIYA's SONIC IDENTITY]. With the new abundance of data I now had access to from the position and rotation values of the rigid bodies, I had to think about how this would affect the audio programming of AIYA.

Developing a Visual Framework for Musical Improvisation Machines: Investigating Impacts on Human-Machine Interaction, Posthuman Identity, and Performance Narrative

Investigating Impacts on Human-Machine Interaction, Posthuman Identity, and Performance Narrative. Melody Chua. >

4 - Beyond the box

The improvisation machine's identity plays between being an extension of the human performer's (mind)body, while at other times functioning as an externalized chamber music partner.

aiya meets self

The installation creates a space between machine, its creator, and the tensions that exist between the two as they navigate each other as ‘others’ and also as integral parts of each other’s identity and embodiment.

2.2 - How can the relations between improvisation, immersion, and embodiment change when involving machines into the performance?

Sonic identity. : distinct identity vs. sonic extension of human performer. >>greater similarity in sonic identity contributes to the perception of it being an extension to oneself.

2.1 - Adding Machines: What influence do machines have on the embodied and immersive properties of improvisation?

It is not asking “whether machines exhibit personality or identity, but how personalities and identities become articulated through sonic behavior.”. - George Lewis (2000).