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box - 1.2 core questions + method

During a performance, what are the mechanisms in play that shift my viewpoint of the improvisation machine between viewing it as a separate entity (i.e. chamber music partner) to viewing it as an extension of my body/mind/mindbody (in reference to Hayles and

aiya meets self

In a time where virtual meetings and remote learning become an accepted normal, and where one develops a heightened sensitivity to what it means to have a human presence, this interactive installation plays with the notions of external embodiment, extended mind

box - 1.3 position on key issues

From this point, the aspects of agency, extended mind, and external embodiment outlined below attempt to blur the boundaries between human/machine and are valuable perspectives in helping to move away from the dichotomy, though it is still a challenge.

9 - Bibliography

The Extended Mind. The Extended Mind, 58(1), 1–392. Collins, N. (2006). Towards autonomous agents for live computer music : Realtime machine listening and interactive music systems.

1.3 - Improvisation as an embodied practice

"While improvising, the body has its own non-rational intelligence other than and apart from cognition or mind superintending all features of its expression." -Patricia L.

4 - Beyond the box

The improvisation machine's identity plays between being an extension of the human performer's (mind)body, while at other times functioning as an externalized chamber music partner.

5 - Literature/Resources

The Extended Mind. The Extended Mind, 58(1), 1–392. Dudas, R. (2010). “Comprovisation”: The various facets of composed improvisation within interactive performance systems.

box - 6. bibliography

The Extended Mind. The Extended Mind, 58(1), 1–392. Dudas, R. (2010). “Comprovisation”: The various facets of composed improvisation within interactive performance systems.

3 - AIYA / black box fading overview

> Reflection on machine agency, extended mind vs. separate improvisation entity, instrument vs. improvisation. partner, and impacts on my performance practice (primarily through the lens of sonic behavior and interaction. design). >. black box fading. :

box - 3.7 aiya meets self

In a time where virtual meetings and remote learning become an accepted normal, and where one develops a heightened sensitivity to what it means to have a human presence, this interactive installation plays with the notions of external embodiment, extended mind